Saturday, September 17, 2011

You Found It

You're expecting me to explain what this shit is about. Aren't you. Yeah, you're sitting there thinking, "Oh! A new blog! I wonder what he'll shove down my throat to sway me towards some group that can finally rob me of that pesky free will!" Well, I'm going to shove an answer down your throat right now. You see, I'm fucking tired of everything. No one thinks anymore. Did anyone ever think? People are soaking in their media like chickens in broth, which is causing people to become as herds. It's mindless, meaningless, filthy. So is everything, but whatever. So, I'm going to rant a lot about individualism, and existentialism, and nihilism, and a whole bunch of other shit. I am hoping to make you start to question. Maybe I'll just end up creating a new group about my thoughts. That would be slightly better than nothing, at least, which is honestly what I expect of this. I expect it to die like a worm under the sweltering sun of my lethargy. (Note to self: Do not use the sun as an example of lethargy.)
But I'll also use this to talk about less gloom 'n' doom things. I'll make horrible jokes. I'll post ideas. I'll vomit out random pieces of things for you to mull over. Likely I've mulled it over myself, making it kind of like a mother bird regurgitating food into her young. I'll also talk about games, and maybe even anime and internet culture, because I'm just a HUGE FUCKING NERD LIKE THAT. Hell, look at my username. LOOK AT IT. Tell me that's not nerdy.
I'm not crazy.
Don't expect this blog to make sense. This blog will make as much sense as you put sense into it. Which is to say your mind will make sense to mine. It's not called making you crazy if you don't call it that, so don't worry. I'll have a somewhat odd sense of humor. A generous person would call it hit-or-miss. An average person would call it somewhat lacking at times. An average person and a generous person are not exactly the same. A deaf and blind person would not know what to call it. A person with no arms would not be likely to give it two thumbs up. A homicidal person would call it something good to stab. A dead person would bleed on it.
And so on.
So, this blog is going to be slightly crazy. As you can see. I think this post is a bit crazier though, since I'm in a crazier mood than normal.
I don't know what else to explain. So just imagine some more text in the provided empty space below.

There. Wasn't that nice?
Now, I'll see you all (of which there are none of you currently) when I next post. I'll try this sanity thing then. Maybe.

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